Contest Image
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Calling all pet lovers! Our radio station is excited to announce our latest contest - the Pet Bestie Photo Contest!

We know your furry friends are your constant companions and best friends, and we want to see them in action! So, snap a picture of your pet being their bestie, whether it's cuddling with you on the couch or exploring the great outdoors with you.

To enter, simply upload your photo to our website and fill out the entry form. Be sure to include a caption explaining why your pet is your bestie and what makes them so special.

Our judges will review all entries and select the top three photos. Then, we'll open up voting to the public to determine the grand prize winner!

The grand prize winner will receive a $500 gift card to spoil their furry bestie with all the treats, toys, and accessories they could dream of. Plus, we'll feature the winning photo on our website and social media pages for all to see!

Don't wait - enter your Pet Bestie photo today and show the world just how amazing your furry friend truly is. Good luck!

Enter to Win

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