Empower Yourself with Essential First Aid Skills: Life-Saving Courses for Everyone


Do you find yourself sitting at a nice restaurant enjoying dinner with friends or family then suddenly a fellow customer near your table starts having a medical emergency with no medical assistance to help? Well, we always hope that doesn’t happen but in reality its more common to happen when you least expect it. But there could be a way you can be be trained to assist saving a life without having to go through years and years of medical school.

A group of active and retired nurses have come together to form a plan to train average residents to perform basic medical acts that can help save lives in situations where medical professionals aren’t around to jump into action. These nurses are hoping with training on performing simple acts it can help cut down the traffic coming into the ER and cut down on the tragic passing from treatable situations. Training on things like CPR, minor burns, minor wounds, and simple fractures can go a long way to help in these life threatening situations. Any and everyone could learn from these courses and are encouraged to sign up. Learning first aid can save a life no matter who you are or where you come from.

These courses will be set up in a way that you can attend all, one, or a mix and match of whichever courses you would like to get certified in. Each course you complete you’ll receive a certificate that is good for 2 years. Any age group can benefit from learning theses life saving tools since life is so unpredictable you never know what will happen at a food court in the mall or out on the school playground. The courses will be available to register for by the end of March, just in time to sign up your kiddos for a summer day of learning a new skill that a could help a friend of theirs in need at school.

If you are a nurse, doctor, or a medical professional who would love to get involved and lead a training course, please contact us. We welcome as many to help teach different aspects of life saving treatments and first aid techniques with the members of our community.